xbox-360 Archive

164 articles

My Family is Hooked on Lego Star Wars II

I seriously did not see this coming. I rented Lego Star Wars II thinking it would be good for a few hours of entertainment and some easy achievement points, nearly 10 days and 30+ combined hours later, my whole family has been in on the action and we're all loving it! This is the first time a single title has had myself (26), my wife (27) and our 8 year-old daughter vying for the console. And the fact that this is the first 360 game my daughter has been really into has me pretty excited. It's good to see some kid-friendly titles hitting the 360 lately.

Tony Hawk’s Project 8 Looks Incredible

I used to be a huge fan of the Tony Hawk series. Before all the jackasses, gimmicks and BMX bikes, when it was more focused on skating than pulling pranks. From the first trailer I saw of Tony Hawk's Project 8 it seemed apparent that the focus was going to shift back where it should have been all along. And with the fact that it's built from the ground up, I found myself getting a little excited. Today a new gameplay video surfaced and it blew my fucking mind to pieces... all over my desk - brains everywhere!

F.E.A.R. 360 = Just as Good, if Not Better

In a move that will no doubt piss off Xbox 360 gamers world-wide, Official Xbox Magazine has a playable demo of F.E.A.R. bundled with it's October issue. Since magazines for whatever reason, publish their issues a couple months in advance - you can get your hands on it now! The only downer (aside from the fact that you can't just download it from the Marketplace) is the price of the magazine - which cost me nearly $15 CDN. But, it's F.E.A.R. and I just couldn't let it pass me by. After all, the PC version of F.E.A.R. is still my highest rated game to date.

Dead Rising is Not What You’re Expecting

I've had the game for about a week and a half now and just finished the 72 Hour mode. It took quite a bit longer than I expected and without giving anything away, there's still lots of game left. I've really enjoyed playing it thus far, and considering I wasn't even sure if I was going to play it again after my initial sit-down, this is quite a feat. So how did my experience get turned around as it did? Let me first explain a little about what Dead Rising is and is not...

When Expectations Are Exceeded: Valve

Last week, EA held their big summer press event. When I saw the coverage start pouring in I turned a blind eye. EA, along with Microsoft are in my shit books and I really didn't care to hear about their list of sequels that are coming out this holiday season. That is, until I saw Valve mentioned in one of the headlines. I had forgotten that Half-Life 2 is now published by EA and with Episode 2 on the horizon, I had to check in to see if there was any exciting news. What followed can only be described as a bombardment of awesomeness.

Surprise! “Achievement Unlocked”

I've been going through a pretty dry spell in regards to increasing my Gamerscore. This is mostly due to the fact that new game releases have been trickling out every other week at best for the past couple months. There just isn't a whole lot to play right now on the 360. But here's where the whole achievement points system really shines. When I realized I hadn't gone up a single point in about 2 weeks, I went back and checked out which achievements were still up for grabs in my current games.

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