Destiny has had a firm grip on me since the alpha back in June, with no intentions on loosening.
Destiny has had a firm grip on me since the alpha back in June, with no intentions on loosening.
Having spent a few hours with the alpha, Destiny has jumped to the top of my list of most anticipated games in 2014. In a word, Destiny is impressive.
Halo 4 is definitely still a Halo game through-and-through, but 343i's refinements have shaped it into something a bit more magical, and a heck of a lot more enjoyable.
It's a big, deep Halo game on all fronts. With the exception of the AI issues I ran into through-out the campaign, it's one of the most solid and polished games you can play.
There have been a few low points in the campaign so far, but there's been a common factor in each case - some form of motorized vehicle.
If you're a fan of the Halo series and enjoy the fictional lore, Halo 3: ODST is a no-brainer.
I’m sure some of you are surprised with it being over a week now since Halo 3 was released and I’m yet to write about it. In fact, I have no intentions on really getting into it just yet as I still have so much to take in. It really is a complete package. Of […]
Given the excitement that filled me when I got my hands on the beta a few days early, this post should come as no surprise. But let me first preface it by stating that while I did enjoy the first 2 games in the Halo franchise, I didn’t spend a lot of time playing online. […]
Shortly after I decided to spend my Friday night getting myself ahead on some of the projects I’ve got on the go, an email landed in my inbox that changed everything. I saw a Growl notification out of the corner of my eye that read, “Subject: Halo 3 Beta – advance code & assets” and […]