Wii Had Our First Accident
On the eve of my wife’s 28th birthday, we decided to get a little silly. She’s been joking about turning 28 and being all serious from then on. We didn’t have much planned for tonight – caught up on some TV that we hadn’t gotten to yet this week. This week’s episode of Lost was great, BTW. About time, too! And The Black Donnellys is looking like it’s going to be my new favourite show. But anyway, a pretty quiet, relaxing evening spent on the couch with a drink in hand. Once Lost was over, I picked up the Wiimotes and handed one over to Deanna while I challenged her to a round of bowling.
After rolling the second strike of my first six-pack, Deanna stood up to take her turn. She pulls her arm back, takes a small step forward and BLAM! Fuckin’ glass and wine (and even a little blood!) everywhere!
The first words out of my mouth were “YES! There it is! There it is!” You see, I’ve been waiting for our first Wii accident for some time. Glad it wasn’t me, but I thought for sure I would be at the butt end of it. Hannah’s got quite the back-hand in Tennis. 😉 But man, was it ever funny! Deanna was laughing so hard she was silent. I don’t remember the last time I was instantly stoked like that. Totally made my night!
Luckily, there were no serious injuries and nothing of great value was broken. The wine glass is obviously toast. The Wii Sports sleeve got pretty wet and Deanna has a couple little nicks from the shards of glass. In any case, it was absolutely hilarious and worth the damages. Video game induced injuries and property damage – amazing! Thank you Nintendo!