We’re Quickly Approaching My Favourite Time of Year
Every year post-E3, I like to write about the event and talk about all the things that got me excited. For one reason or another, I didn’t get around to it this year. That’s not to say that I wasn’t paying attention – I had a browser window open with streaming video of each of the big three press conferences as they happened. And that’s not to say that there wasn’t anything significant to talk about. Believe it or not, Sony impressed the pants off me this year! Not only did they have a lot on the table, but their conference was lively and interesting from beginning to end. Normally, it’s dry and dull. Like previous years, the second half of 2008 is chalk full of great games that are set to release before Christmas. I’ve been keeping my eye on the expansive list and have compiled a couple lists of my own.
Here are my “must buy” titles as we close out 2008…
Platform listed for each game is my preference, and the one I will be playing on.
- Brothers In Arms Hell’s Highway
(Xbox 360) - Dead Space
(Xbox 360) - Fallout 3
(Xbox 360) - FarCry 2
(Xbox 360) - Gears of War 2
(Xbox 360) - Left 4 Dead
(Xbox 360) - LittleBigPlanet
(PlayStation 3) - Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
(Xbox 360) - MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
(PlayStation 3) - Portal: Still Alive
(Xbox Live Arcade) - Prince of Persia
(Xbox 360) - Project Origin
(Xbox 360) - Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty
(PlayStation 3) - Resistance 2
(PlayStation 3) - Rock Band 2
(Xbox 360) - Spore
(Mac) - Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
(Xbox 360) - Tomb Raider Underworld
(Xbox 360) - Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise
(Xbox 360)
I bet there’s a couple of surprises in there. I’ve been watching the development videos on Dead Space and it’s really got me intrigued. The team is really focusing on bringing a terrifying experience to the player, and with a phrase like “strategic dismemberment” being tossed around, how could it not be good?
The MotorStorm sequel is a game I never thought I would be interested in, given the mediocre nature of the first one. But I have a feeling Pacific Rift is going to be essentially what MotorStorm should have been initially. Or perhaps the lack of top tier racing titles for Q3 and Q4 has something to do with it?
And a bunch more that have potential but I’m not totally sold on them just yet…
- Battlestations: Pacific
(Xbox 360) - Call of Duty: World at War
(Xbox 360) - Fable II
(Xbox 360) - Fracture
(Xbox 360) - Ghostbusters The Video Game
(Xbox 360) - Guitar Hero World Tour
(Xbox 360) - Lego Batman
(Xbox 360) - Mirror’s Edge
(Xbox 360) - Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe
(Xbox 360) - Need for Speed Undercover
(Xbox 360) - Saints Row 2
(Xbox 360) - Silent Hill: Homecoming
(Xbox 360) - Spider-Man: Web of Shadows
(Xbox 360) - Star Wars The Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels
(Wii) - Tom Clancy’s EndWar
(Xbox 360) - Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X.
(Xbox 360)
For the most part, new franchises get thrown in the rental pile. That is unless a demo is released and I can get my hands on it.
Fable II has got my attention, but just barely. I’m not a big RPG fan, but it has a lot to offer. I’ve just got my fingers crossed that they’ve actually got voice acting in game this time. I can’t stand to read every bit of dialog.
Mirror’s Edge could really go either way. It’s so different from what we’re used to. It could be a refreshing change, or could just lead us to say, “Enough of this jumping bullshit, give me a gun already!”
Tom Clancy games are never at the top of my list, but I have really enjoyed the Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter series. EndWar is looking like a nice change of pace from the usually first/third person gameplay. And H.A.W.X., now that I’ve managed to get over the stupid name, I’m keeping an eye on it. I love that the first mission is a GRAW2 mission from the perspective of the pilot that gets called in for support. That mission (where you first get air support and bomb the shit out of everything in sight) was one of my favourites in the game.
With so many games on the horizon, I’m sure to have over-looked some. So I may go back and make some edits to my lists. What are you looking forward to most this year?