Hockey sucks
Growing up as a skater through my teens, I was prone to being tormented by moronic jocks. And hockey jocks were the worst kind. Needless to say, that kind of stuck with me through-out the years. Maybe if hockey jocks and fans in general would stop doing completely retarded shit, I’d change my tune? But until then… I hate that shit!
Last night, team Canada won the world cup over Finland, or so I’m told. This resulted in thousands of ‘fans’ flooding the streets of Toronto, causing massive amounts of damage and terrorizing civilians. What a way to celebrate! “Yay, we won! Let’s go fuck up our city and rob our neighbours! Whoo hoo! Yay hockey! We’re idiots, yeah!” Countless ‘fans’ pepper-sprayed, 19 ‘fans’ arrested, 11 cops injured and 1 dead 76 year-old later – the city of Toronto is portrayed as a city of raging idiocy. This is how you show pride for the Country you live in?
Sorry for the stereotyping, but come on!