Can I Have My DVD Player Back?
Who [the fuck] thought it was a good idea to force trailers on people and disable standard functionality while they’re playing – forcing the viewer to sit through the entire trailer(s) or having to fast-forward through them? Seriously, what old-ass douchebag said ‘yeah, let’s make them watch a bunch of trailers and disable the menu and next-scene buttons so they have to watch them!’, while sipping his $5 moca-crappa-ccino? And better yet, who approved this idea and actually made it happen?
When I shell-out $20-$30 of my hard-earned cash for a DVD. I do not want to be force-fed 10 minutes of trailers before I’m even allowed to go to the menu and watch the movie. I feel like the remote has been ripped from my hand while some asshat in a suit sits there pointing and laughing. Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with trailers. Actually, I spend a significant amount of time watching movie trailers online. And I would most likely watch them on a DVD if there was an option to in the menu. But don’t make me do anything.
I think someone needs to write an accessibility and etiquette guide for DVDs.