Killzone: Shadow Fall
It's a real shame that the Killzone franchise has been in a downward spiral since Killzone 2, with the exception of its multiplayer component, which remains quite fun.
It's a real shame that the Killzone franchise has been in a downward spiral since Killzone 2, with the exception of its multiplayer component, which remains quite fun.
Having spent just over a week with it, I'm happy to report that I'm enjoying it immensely, and am quite pleased with my decision to side with Sony at launch for this new generation of video game consoles.
With the likes of The Avengers, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Spider-Man, and dozens of other minor heroes coming together to fight a massive threat (quite literally), it's quite cool to see how it all played out.
They aren't necessarily the best games, or the most impressive, but they're the games that I have the most fond memories of, and will likely stick with me over the years.
In a word, Grand Theft Auto V is massive. Everything about it. The world itself, the amount of story missions (69), the amount of side quests, the amount of activities, etc. There is just so much content here, and it's all top quality stuff.
Legends has polished every aspect of the previous games, and added some new mechanics that make it the best game in the rebooted series to date. If you enjoy platformers in any shape or form, play this game!
I quite enjoyed the single player campaign, and would recommend it for any long term fans of the franchise. While there have been some changes to Sam himself, the Splinter Cell formula is in tact and just as strong as it's ever been.
While it's not the greatest game I played this year, or even in the top 5, it had some moments that I'll likely remember for some time, and overall I enjoyed playing through the campaign.
To some, it may seem like a cash grab, and that would be true if the game were utter garbage. But thankfully, that's not the case. Disney Infinity is a charming romp through some of the most beloved fictional lands of the past several decades.
There are several things that make Brothers a unique and worthwhile experience, despite its length. And I hope that by publishing a review of my experience, others will give it a shot or a second look, if they've already passed it by.
With the next generation of video game consoles on the horizon, I decided to side with one of them at launch. Before I looked forward, I had to take some time to look back, and also evaluate the current state of things.
Excellent gameplay, an incredibly intriguing story of survival and hope, and the most impressive visuals of this console generation; The Last of Us is nothing short of a masterpiece.