Envato Marketplace Buttons for Authors
Yesterday afternoon I ticked off a to-do item that’s been lingering for quite some time – “Create some buttons to promote feeds and following on ThemeForest.” Many of the top authors on ThemeForest, and other Envato Marketplaces for that matter, have a set of buttons on their profiles and all of their items – see crazy popular items from Kresi and epicera. The purpose of these buttons is to encourage people to stay on top of the authors’ releases, and even connect with them elsewhere. One thing I noticed, was that everyone had their own set of buttons. So I set out on a search in hopes of finding a PSD that someone has shared for creating similar buttons. When nothing turned up, I figured I would take this opportunity to not only hook myself up with a nice set of buttons for my marketplace items, but to share my buttons so other authors can quickly and easily add some buttons of their own.
Have a Look
Initially, there were four buttons – RSS feed, email notifications, follow on ThemeForest, and follow on Twitter. All of which can be seen on my ThemeForest profile. But when I got the idea to release the buttons, I figured I would expand the set to include all of the Envato marketplaces. So along with a “Follow me on ThemeForest” button, there’s a similar button for each of the other marketplaces.
Icons in the RSS feed, email, and Twitter buttons are from Rogie King’s Social Network Icon Pack.
Term of Use (yes, there’s just one)
The only thing I ask of authors, is to download the buttons (below) and upload them to your own server. Hot-linking isn’t cool, so please do me this favor. No credit is required to use these buttons.
Code Snippet
Here’s some example code for inserting the buttons into your profile and item descriptions. If you want equal margins between the images, make sure each is on its own line, with no empty lines between.
<a href="#"><img src="http://yourdomain.com/images/envato-button-rss.jpg" alt="Subscribe to RSS Feed" /></a> <a href="#"><img src="http://yourdomain.com/images/envato-button-email.jpg" alt="Get Email Notifications" /></a> <a href="http://themeforest.net/user/YourUsername/follow"><img src="http://yourdomain.com/images/envato-button-themeforest.jpg" alt="Follow me on ThemeForest" /></a> <a href="http://twitter.com/YourUsername"><img src="http://yourdomain.com/images/envato-button-twitter.jpg" alt="Follow me on Twitter" /></a>
Here You Go
I’ve prepared a zip package which includes a JPG version of each button, along with the original PSD I used to create them with all layers in tact. Feel free to jump in and make any changes you’d like – be it style of the buttons, or text changes.
Download (151KB)
The font used in the buttons is MgOpenModata, which is used through-out the Envato marketplaces, and is freely available to download.