Branching Out, While Reaching Out

It’s been a couple years now, since the CSS Reboot that lead to the internets knowing who the heck “Matt Brett” is. I’ve done a lot in that time. Produced dozens of ramblings about video games, and life in general. Made a name for myself as a decent designer. Launched a couple of projects that made a pretty big splash. And kept everyone up-to-date on my personal life via Twitter and Flickr. Along the way, I’ve crossed paths with people from all over the world via all of the aforementioned platforms and then some. But I’ve never met a single one face-to-face. Can you believe that? I’ve never been to one of those big, expensive conferences – which is the best place to meet people in the industry. And there’s only a handful of people that I frequently mingle with online that live remotely close. It’s kind of sad, now that I’ve put this all together. But I’m trying to reach out a bit here.

With the baby coming in just a few short weeks (due January 28), we got ourselves a video camera. Deanna‘s parents live on the other side of the country and my Mom’s about 5 hours away, so we don’t see each other as often as we’d like. Obviously, they’re going to miss out on a lot of the great baby moments that are yet to come, and we thought we could fill the void a bit by filming lots and getting the videos online so everyone’s in the leap, one way or another.

I thought this would be a great opportunity to get myself out there a bit more, and start publishing some videos of my own. I know it’s not face-to-face, but it’s one step closer and a hell of a lot more personal than reading a pile of text on screen. I joined Viddler and have posted a couple videos so far. I actually did a MeToday and rambled on a bit, about nothing in particular.

Clearly, I’m a bit rusty – I used to co-host a weekly show on MuchMusic (Canadian music television channel) a few years back. But I’ll get better, and my videos more interesting with time.

If you’re on Viddler, toss me a friend request. Online video is the next best thing to actually meeting in person, and I love learning more about the people I connect with so often but have never actually met.